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  • English Language
  • Football
  • Language Translation
  • Problem Solving
  • Software Design
  • Spanish
  • Sports



Help others. Making the life brighter by doing what makes you happy.

Born in a very poor neighborhood in Honduras. At school, excellent grades and a very remarkable participation. Won a schoolarship for one of the most prestigious higs schools in the country(Instituto Tecnológico Taular), specialized in math and spanish and also in technical skills, graduated in 2013. Meanwhile I learned a lot of skills and practiced plenty of hobbies(Arts and Sports). Now, studying Mechanical Engineering, volunteer in TECHO Honduras, now working as a professional interpreter.
I try to stand still and keep moving towards success!


Work Terms

15/20 hours a week.
Paypal preferred platform for the payments.
Email, Skype, Hangouts and Whatsapp.