Create enterprise-level software that helps companies perform better and make money.
Over 15+ years of experience developing enterprise-level software applications for great companies. I can help your businesses turn their software application plans into reality using a combination of C#/MVC/ASP.NET/jQuery and SQL Server.
Extensive experience with both web-based development and workstation applications, as well as communication of content between the two. Have current .NET and web development skills.
Specialties: C#, ASP.NET, .NET Core, MVC, LINQ, JSON, Ajax, Xamarin, Entity Framework, Dapper, T-SQL, SQL, HTML, CSS, XML, Jscript, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, VBScript, Active Server Pages (Classic ASP), Java. SuiteTalk.
MS Word, MS Excel, MS SQL Server 4.21 – 2017, SSIS, Crystal Reports, TFS, Git, Visual Studio, IIS, VSTS, Azure, Android Studio, RedGate, DevExpress.