******I worked at SONY PHILIPPINES from August 7, 2013 to May 7,2015 as a technician. My general work in SPH was to repair all Sony products (Laptop, Bravia, Playstations etc), also managing and making reports about the parts for Playstation ( if there are stocks left).*****
*****Im currently continuing my Study (College) and also self study Web development programming (HTML, CSS, Javascript).*****
*****Im a fast learner and doing everything i can to finish a job fast and efficient. i was given also the non official award by our department as a rookie of the year. i like to take any challenge and i don't want to stop learning*****
Work Terms
can contact me through skype(jeronesguerra1) and email (jeronesguerra1@gmail.com or jeron_esguerra@yahoo.com.ph)