"I do what I say and say what I do".
Receive a perfect text ahead of deadline. Every time.
As a proven writer and sales pro for 25+ years, I have delivered texts to various companies and they are returning for more. Currently I am writing for mainly European companies from English to Swedish. However, I also spot and correct errors in English, German and Dutch.
As I strive to do a good job, I normally come back with questions to understand what you mean as the text is not good. I know why it is so, I work so intense with the text I must spot it, if I write a business letter I also can make a typo. So with me you get a spotless text back. Maybe even your own.
Founded: 2022
Work Terms
I can work normal hours and weekdays.
Normal payment is at end of project or if long-term, every month.
For translation I usually write 500 words/hour, proofread 1,250 words/hour.
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