I do paper, proposal and presentation writing.
I am fortunate to have received training in scientific writing from some of the smartest and most experienced people. From each advisor and co-author, I have gleaned different skills, from framing a paper to small-scale tinkering with the sentences. I have co-written 44 articles (36 with citation data), 23 as first or senior author, 9 as second author and 1 as single author, and these have been cited more than 500 times ( Researcher ID H-2455-2012, Scopus h-index 14). See my papers uploaded on ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Freerk_Molleman/?ev=hdr_xprf. I am still learning with each paper, but good enough to be of use for many!
Work Terms
I am currently between jobs (In April 2018 I will become professor in Forest Ecology in Europe) and can spend up to 30 hrs per week on freelancing. Since I live in India and am new to 'Guru' I can accept minimum payment.