Email Marketing Specialist for ecom brands and online course creators | Helping business owners to convert website visitors to paying customers.
Want to generate 10%, 20% or even 30% revenue for your business without spending a dollar??
Just let me handle your email marketing!
As an ecommerce growth expert & email marketer, I have extensive experience helping ecommerce clients grow their businesses and increase their revenue.
I will help you implement high-converting flows & campaigns for your ecommerce business that will generate free revenue.
Also, help you optimise your ongoing flow & campaigns to squeeze that extra revenue.
As an ecommerce growth expert & email marketer, my expertise includes strategies for growing revenue through email marketing as well as consulting on landing page design and optimization of other channels to bring in that extra revenue.
I have a proven track record of helping clients increase the conversion rate of their online stores, and I am always looking for new and innovative ways to help ecommerce businesses succeed.
What do you say? I can't wait to work with you in optimizing your Business of the 21st Century.
Reach out and say hi :)