Saving our clients money and creating jobs through outsourcing, B2B partnerships and sustainable products.
We have several people in our company from various backgrounds that bring over 20 years of experience in business development, outsourcing, business plan analysis, feasibility study, management, budgeting, international relations, oil and gas, gold mining, shrimp growing, seafood distribution, professional development, IT, call center, engineering, operations, marketing, customer service, communications, event planning and management, environmental justice, community engagement, insurance, financing, business expansion.
We have done business in the USA, South America and Europe.
Founded: 2009
Work Terms
We are a bit flexible since we have offices in Europe, USA and Suriname (South America). We normally give a 1 hour free consultation by phone, video chat or in person. For any of the studies (business plan or feasibility study) we charge anywhere from $100-$400 per day depending on the type of business, the duration of the project, complexity etc..
Most studies are 4-6 weeks and we are always willing to work with companies - whether they are start-ups or expanding.