Top Rated Full Stack Developer
In the last 8+ years, I have worked as a full stack web developer with Vue.js, React.js, Node.js, AWS, Ruby on Rails, Shopify.
Since getting started my agile development, I have mostly worked with the developing teams in the United States, Canada, Australia and contributed to the highly efficient and scalable web applications of eCommerce, SaaS, SPA, PWA, Mapbox, Chrome Extension, CryptoCurrency.
- React.js, Redux, Vue.js, Vuex, Nuxt.js, TypeScript, Gatsby.js, D3.js, Chart.js, Webpack/Babel, ES6
- Docker, AWS Lambda, GraphQL, Serverless, AppSync, RDS, Amplify, Cognito
- Sails.js, NestJs, Express, Hapi.js, SQL
- Python, Django, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Elixir, Elm, Heroku
- Shopify Plus
- Mapbox, Social API(facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Instagram), Payment gateway (Stripe, Braintree,, Salesforce API, AdviseChannel
- Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine
I look forward to working with you.
Work Terms
I am available for 40 hours/week and I prefer working with team members.