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  • Writer

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to visit my profile page. If you've made your way here, I am guessing that you want someone to take care of your writing tasks. It may be for your blog, your agency...



A Skilled, Experienced and Competent Writer who is out on a mission to provide unprecedented value to those of you who hire me making your investment the best one in years...

Hey there!

Pleasure to meet you(virtually).

Before you decide that I am a rookie writer from a third world country here to make some money so that I can afford a few luxuries to make my life less unbearable...let me correct you by saying that writing for me is not just the means to pay my bills but the activity which I consider gives me glimpses of nirvana itself!

Let me explain...

I've been a voracious reader right from the age of 6. Since then I have read fantasy novels (Harry Potter franchise, Mistborn Trilogy etc), Sci-fi novels (Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde), and a host of personality development (Self-Help)
Books like You Can Win, The Magic of Thinking Big, Success in 30 Days to name a few. I was enchanted by the power these writers had over me. I would be
reading for hours together literally spell bound. Till now I prefer Good Books over Movies and series. That's when I realized that I wanted to become a writer and wield that very same power. It seemed like my calling. To say I am
passionate about it would be an understatement. That's why I took up English Literature after schooling and went on to complete a Master's (MA) and a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in the same.

I LOVE writing. I enjoy doing it. I don't consider it as "work". More like a fun, challenging and deeply rewarding activity. I believe, a person who genuinely loves his job is surely an asset. I am sure you will agree with me on this one.

I personally believe that a person with a strong set of values is the one who is likely to succeed in any endeavor they undertake in life provided they put in some good ol' hard work to go with it.

You get back what you give out in the first place. Give love and get love. Give hate and you receive hate. Simple. In my opinion, you don't need new age books to tell you that.

When I am not racking my brains creating content, you'll find me immersed in epic fantasy books of Brandon Sanderson. This guy can give J.K Rowling a run for her money any time. Period.

Work Terms

I work from 11 AM to 5 AM everyday except Sundays.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any query that needs answering.

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