$5/hr · Starting at $25
Having built a complete team since 2015 (management/business analysis/architecture/test engineering/consultancy/development), GekkoFox delivers projects for enterprise customers representing some of the...
Java/JavaEE/Android SDK/iOS app development.NET/C#/Microsoft stack - certifiedFrontend - AngularJS, Reakt, Vue etcDataBases - Hadoop, BigData, SQL, MsSql, MySQL - certifiedProfile summary:BANKINGBackend development on enterprise projects. Experience in design and development of both core-banking and sattelite systems, at Business Critical level.TELECOMHeavily experienced with delivering on Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) , online , retail , mobile and custom applications. Another core industry in GekkoFox, having active members with over 15 years of experience in Telco project delivery, solution design,architecture&development.MEDIAStrong Digital Signage skills, obtained building enterprise platformsfor global leadingcompaniesin thedomain. Being one of the core industries in GekkoFox, we are working along to get digital signage solutions to a new level.HEALTH CAREAs partners of one of the biggest Pharma businesses in EU, gained experience in sales force automation, delivering mobile applications for pharmaceutical companies. Also, starting 2018, we became strategic partners in software development for another important Pharmaceutical company on the market.AUTOMOTIVESuccessful end-to-end deliveries for some of the biggest Automotive companies on the market made GekkoFox a solid partner when it comes to IT solutions on their side.
Founded: 2015
contracting types: Fixed Price, Time & MaterialAccustomed to Agile methodology
Customer Service Representatives
Pharmaceuticals Consultants
Team Building Consultants
Team Management Experts
Analytics Experts
Remoting Experts
Management Experts
Business Analysts
Automotive Engineers
Software Developers
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