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  • .NET
  • Android
  • Android Development
  • API
  • Consulting
  • Design
  • iOS
  • IT Consulting
  • Mobile
  • Software Design
  • Software Development


  • Web , Window , iOS, Android development

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Generation Next Solutions (GeNxtSol) is more than just an IT consulting firm, presenting innovation blended with expertise knowledge to different customers and fulfilling their needs. Over the past decade,...

    .NETAndroidAndroid DevelopmentAPIASP.NET MVC


Generation Next Solutions

GeNxtSol Pvt. Ltd. is more than just an IT consulting firm, presenting innovation blended with expertise knowledge to different customers and fulfilling their needs. Over the past decade, we have built our reputation as one of the most trustworthy Custom Software Development Company in the industry, thanks to our highly skilled team with ground-breaking subject knowledge. Being a thoughtful IT consulting firm, we know the importance of providing comprehensive service packages while maintaining affordability. That is why we have taken all the measures to offer our high-end IT solutions at a very affordable rates. With a unique blend of fresh talents and widely experienced experts, the Company’s team continues to deliver Custom Web and Software Design and Development services to its clients.

Founded: 2016