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    I have worked with GenXm for almost two years. They have provided a great advantage to my business not only due to costs, but also due to their flexibility and range of skills. For instance some months I have many programming tasks that require many hours of work, some months I require very few hour

    s. By partnering, I am not paying for a staff person who I am not always fully utilizing. Furthermore, because GenXm has a large staff they are able to support a wide variety of skill sets. In particular they have done a great job on my database projects and graphic design assignments. If you would like more information, just let GenXm know and you are welcome to contact me.

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    CEO, Chicago Based Consulting Company

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    “......… As far as my experience is concerned, it’s great, I want to thank them and complement them so I want to recommend them. I talked to many company and they all wanted business, expected me to provide technical specifications and different things, which I didn’t. It’s not my area of specialty.

    GenXm in general has been very willing to nurse me along and teach me along the way. Help me put together details although not their job. Cost has been reasonable, time has been great. The team has been most helpful. I think they have been great……..”

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    Tom Crowl, Founder of

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    The design is outstanding and the professionalism of your team has also been noteworthy. Anindya, Nitin, the designer and all who played a part in this effort can be extremely proud. Even with a major tragedy in my household that thwarted progress, the team and GenXm demonstrated compassion and unde

    rstanding. These days, sadly, this is not always the case in business. But your company demonstrates high integrity. I was first impressed with Shweta as well, and she is a large reason I chose HyTech. The complexities of such multi-functionality projects are difficult enough without facing a communication gap as well. Your team has been able to overcome this natural obstacle through careful attention to detail and the communication skill of Anindya. It is obvious the team spent many long days developing solutions behind the scenes and trying to get everything working smoothly.

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    Rick Hubbell, Founder and CEO, Ti-MC

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    You were not only very responsive and paid attention to details, but you kept me in the loop and updated me. Doing these kind of projects need a lot of communication and more often than not a direct line to the developer. This was my first iPhone project and for you guys the first SDK 3.0 project an

    d I think that we both learned quite a bit and produced a terrific application - at least I am very happy with it. Although I tried to be as specific as possible in my requirements, some things were missing or didn't work out as I thought - the team not only recommended better approaches but also incorporated some modifications which (I think) make the app very attractive. Overall the app worked out much better than I expected and it was a real pleasure working with all of you. I realize that you put in a lot of effort and I am very grateful for that. Hopefully the app is being well received by users so that we can continue our relationship and work on new features. Thanks again!

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    Peter Luebken