I received my Master's degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Computer and Information at
Assiut University in Egypt in 2022. I received my Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from
the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology at The Egyptian E-Learning University in
Egypt in 2016. I graduated with an Excellent, equivalent to a 3.65 of 4 GPA. I am working as a
Teaching Assistant, Lecturer Assistant at the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology at
The Egyptian E-Learning University. I am working as a Research assistant at the Faculty of Computer
and Information at Assiut University.
My primary research focus has been on Text Classification and Speech recognition, which are all
conventional problems in Natural Language Processing. Natural language processing (NLP) allows
computers to understand natural language in the same manner that humans do. Natural language
processing, whether spoken or written, uses artificial intelligence to absorb real-world input, analyze
it, and make sense of it in a form that a computer can understand. Computers, like people, have
programs for reading and microphones for recording audio. Computers, like people, have software that
allows them to process their inputs. At some point throughout the processing, the input is converted to
computer-readable code. My research has centered on improving natural language processing
technologies to solve challenges like question answering and data extraction