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  • .NET
  • Agile
  • Android
  • Architectural Design
  • ASP
  • Atl
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  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Continuous Integration
  • CSS
  • CSS3
  • Design
  • Eclipse

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  • Database Design

    $12/hr Starting at $50

    A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and...

    .NETAgileAndroidArchitectural DesignASP
  • Programming

    $12/hr Starting at $50

    A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and...

    .NETAgileAndroidArchitectural DesignASP
  • Smart Phone Applications

    $12/hr Starting at $50

    A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and...

    .NETAgileAndroidArchitectural DesignASP
  • Testing & QA

    $12/hr Starting at $50

    A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and...

    .NETAgileAndroidArchitectural DesignASP
  • Web Programming

    $12/hr Starting at $50

    A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and...

    .NETAgileAndroidArchitectural DesignASP


A Software Engineer with 6 yrs experience

A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with good experience in handling a team of developers as an Agile Scrum Master and Project Leader.Has a considerable experience in both Waterfall and Agile software development process model.Diversified skill sets covering communication, resources handling and leveraging, team relations, tasks management, quality assurance, software issue analysis and troubleshooting, and software architecture and design.Performance-Driven, a Researcher, Reliable and takes the initiative and the responsibility.
A driven Software Design and Development Engineer with 6 years experience in software development in C++, C#, Java, HTML, Javascript, CSS3, Agile methodology, and Test Driven Development.Diversified skill sets covering communication, resources handling and leveraging, team relations, tasks management, quality assurance, software issue analysis and troubleshooting, and software architecture and design.Performance-Driven, a Researcher, Reliabl

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines