Versatile and experienced software developer with a history of freelance, contractual, project-based, and full-time employee
work experience.
Experienced with most Windows based application development environments. Preferred development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio using VB.NET/C#/Access/VBA/Winforms/Blazor/Agile/Scrum…
Employers (contract and full-time) include Digital Equipment Corp (5 years as a Software specialist working as a SW developer in Operating Systems, language runtime libraries and in networking/messaging), Microsoft (consulting), Apple (consulting), Aetna Insurance, EBD Division (field office automation consultant) and as a application designer/developer for Systems Eleven, Inc, Phoenix Systems, LLC, Pentamation, Inc, and HTE, Inc.
Work Terms
Prefer Fixed-Price project w/good specs. Fixed price projects are guaranteed and any bugs found will be fixed for free for 60 days. A service contract is available for long term, fixed price support. Can also work on hourly projects if desired.