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  • Animal Illustration
  • Anime Art
  • Artist
  • Book Illustration
  • Childrens Book Illustration
  • Color Design
  • Cover Art
  • Digital Illustration
  • Illustration
  • Manga
  • Sketch Art
  • 2D Design
  • Book Cover Design
  • Character Design
  • Children's Book Illustration

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  • Character Designer

    $25/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Character Design includes: pencil&color sketches, black and white line arts and full color designs for comic, books and games. Most comfortable working on children illustration, but open to other styles...

    ArtistCharacter DesignColor DesignComic Strip ArtInk Illustration
  • 2D Illustrator

    $25/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    2D Illustration includes: b&w/full color, traditional & digital art for book cover, poster and games. Most comfortable working on children illustration, but open to other styles. Prefer to deliver work...

    2D DesignAnimal IllustrationAnime ArtArtistBook Cover Design
  • Children Illustration

    $25/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Children illustration includes: pencil&color sketches, black and white line arts and full color designs for comic, books and games. Most comfortable working with medium to thick strokes in the lineart...

    Animal IllustrationAnime ArtBook IllustrationChildrens Book IllustrationColoring Book Art


[ESP] Hola!! Mi nombre es Germán, pero me dicen Harry. Soy un ilustrador freelance nacido y viviendo en Mar del Plata, sobre la costa Argentina.

Nací un 8 de agosto de 1988, y desde muy chico recuerdo que el dibujo ha sido mi pasión. Sólo el dibujo, tuve que crecer un poco para aprender a querer el proceso de coloreado también.

Dentro del dibujo, mis principales influencias vienen de grandes clásicos como Akira Toriyama, Masami Kurumada y Shingo Araki, en lo que es manga/anime, y de distintos ilustradores surgidos en el universo de TCG y juegos Pokemon.

Si bien desde fines de 2018 me encuentro cómodo trabajando como ilustrador infantil, no descarto poder participar con mi arte en otro tipo de proyectos como he hecho anteriormente, ya sea portadas, juegos de cartas, e ideas propias obvio.

En una nota más personal fuera de las hojas y el lápiz, el deporte ocupa gran parte de mi vida, repartida entre el entrenamiento funcional/calistenia, el patinaje de velocidad y cuando se puede, alguna caminata costera.

Sin más, los invito a visitar mi portfolio y si gustan ponerse en contacto conmigo, pueden hacerlo vía mail a, o las demás redes sociales.

Un gusto y gracias por leerme!
[ENG] Hello!! My name is Germán, but friends call me Harry too. I am a freelance illustrator born and living in Mar del Plata, on the coast of Argentina.

I was born on August 8, 1988, and from a very young age I remember that drawing has been my passion. Just drawing... I had to grow up a little to love the coloring process too.

Within drawing, my main influences come from classics such as Akira Toriyama, Masami Kurumada and Shingo Araki, in manga/anime, and from different illustrators that emerged in the universe of TCG and Pokemon games.

Although since the end of 2018 I have found myself comfortable working as a children's illustrator, I do not rule out being able to participate with my art in other types of projects as I have done previously, be it covers, card games, and my own ideas, obviously.

On a more personal note outside of paper and pencil, sport occupies a large part of my life, divided between functional training/calisthenics, speed skating and when possible, some coastal walking.

Without further ado, I invite you to visit my portfolio or other social networks.

A pleasure and thanks for reading me!