Project Engineering Management
Engineering development and management focussed on EPC project.
High competences in management of internal and external sourcing to guarantee high quality and time delivery of the product.
Main project followed:
1. QATARGAS North Field Expansion - Customer: Technip/Chyoda JV – Office location:
Dubai - Eng. Manhours = 60000
2. QP Feed for RU and Drainage & WWTP Upgrade Projects (WWTP, ZLD) – Customer:
Qatar Energy – Office location: Dubai - Eng. Manhours = 9000
3. Irkutsk polymer plant (MBR, EDR, TVR) - Customer: Irkutsk refinery – Eng. Manhours
= 20000
4. Afipskiy refinery (MBR, EDR) – Customer: ASP Aqua – Eng. Manhours = 9000
5. EP Project for water treatment and ZLD for power plant in Ostroleka (Poland) - Final
customer: GE Power - Office location: Budapest (Hungary) – Eng. Manhours = 22000
6. Supply of water treatment unit for NZLD project - Customer: QAFAC (Qatar) – Eng.
Manhours = 12000
7. Basic Engineering Study (BES) for Sanofi production center in Toronto - Customer:
Sanofi Pasteur – Toronto - Office location: SUEZ NA - Ancaster – Toronto – Duration 7 months
8. Supply of TIPW inside RasGas Onshore Expansion Project Phase 2 (Train 6&7 EPC)
and Al Khaleej Gas Project Phase 2 (AKG-2 EPC) - Customer: RasGas) – Eng.
Manhours = 20000
9. Pumping station inside BP refinery - Final customer: BP Rotterdam - Premises
location: Paris (France)
10. FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba MV-27 - Customer: MTOPS - Final customer:
Petrobras - Premises location: SUEZ Sao Paulo (BR) – Duration 4 months.
11. Supply of WWTP for refinery - Customer: QatarGas Operating Company LTD
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