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  • Article Writing
  • Article Rewriting
  • Article Spinning
  • Blog Posting
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Creation
  • eBook Writing
  • Editing And Proofreading
  • Essay Writing
  • Grammar
  • Product Review
  • SEO
  • Spelling
  • Thesis Writing
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  • Article writing

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    SEO articles with optimum keyword density, corrected for grammar and spelling mistakes and good flow, use of good sub-titles. If you need meta-description, please specify. I can add comments if you are...

    Article RewritingArticle SpinningArticle WritingBlog PostingBlog Writing


Article writing, rewriting, eBook, thesis, essays ans manual article spinning. Editing and proof reading of articles.

Currently working with Upwork, I have completed 6 years of online writing. I joined Upwork in 2010, after which I joined iWriter in January 2012. The next year I took up writing assignments from WitMart.
I have good experience writing articles, website content, eBooks and thesis. If you need an article rewritten or spun manually, I will do it for you. I have articles online at Hubpages, Wikinut and Ezine Articles.
I will write stories and related fiction articles. You can request poems on a specific topic. I write on topics such as Health and Fitness, Disease and Cures, Travel and Tourism, Home and Garden, Dogs Types and Care, Latest technology such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi, latest product release in the market such as Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy 6.

Work Terms

You must give the topic or the keywords for the article or eBook. If you need rewritten or spun articles you must specify keyword density and related conditions like article length. For both, you have to specify if you need sub-titles since a few will like their articles without any subtitle.
A 500 word article will cost $3.50 and rewriting will cost $1.50. Delivery will be within 3 days. If you want faster delivery the costs will go up by $1.00 per day. This means if you want delivery on the same day, the 500 word article will cost $5.00 and rewritten one will cost $2.50.
A 1000 word article will cost $6.00 and rewriting will cost $2.00. For eBook, the cost will be $50.00 for 5,000 word book. If you need a bigger book for 7,000 words, the cost will be $65.00.
You can ask for two rewrites with instructions regarding what you want changed. This will be done before you make the payment. In case you do not like or want the article, before or after the rewrite and correction, the material will belong to me. I can use it in any manner I choose.
If you have any additional conditions, please specify them before I begin the work.
I will be online from 4.30 AM UTC to 1.00 PM UTC. You can contact me through my email or by using Skype.
Skype id: ssnerfu.

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