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  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads Campaign
  • Google Shopping Ads
  • Remarketing
  • Search Advertising
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • SEM
  • Advertising
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Advertising Copy
  • Advertising Ideas
  • Advertising Management
  • Bing Ads
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  • Google Ads Specialist

    $25/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Greetings, I'm Danish Shahzad, your dedicated Google Ads Specialist with over 7 years of expertise in crafting and optimizing highly effective campaigns. As a certified professional, I have honed my skills...

    AdvertisingAdvertising CampaignsAdvertising CopyAdvertising IdeasAdvertising Management


Google Ads / Adwords[Shopping Ads, Search Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads, Remarketing Ads, Conversion Tracking, etc], Google Merchant, Bing Ads, FB / Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads, PPC Specialist

Thanks For Stopping By:

I am Google AdWords™ and Analytics™ Professional.

Increase your ROI, I Provide Real Results!

I'm an experienced Google Ads, Google Merchant, Google Analytics, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Pinterest Ads & TikTok Ads Specialist with a lot of knowledge and ideas how to make campaigns of my clients more successful. I like to freelance because I can collaborate with a wide range of people from all over the world, share opinions and thoughts, being a part of many challenging projects. I've been working as an SEM & SMM specialist for 5+ years. I have an extensive knowledge and could provide high-quality service in setting up, managing and optimization any type of campaign. I have solid experience in highly competitive niches. I help clients maximize the value of their investment.

–––– Areas of my expertise –––– -
- AdWords Campaign Setup & Optimization
- Bing Ad Center Pro
- Facebook Ads Setup, Optimization, and Management
- Google & Bing Shopping Campaign Setup & Management
- AdWords Editor and Analytics
- Remarketing campaigns
- AdWords Express Ads
- Promoting Apps
- Conversion tracking setup and monitoring
- Geographic targeting (for local businesses)
- Google Analytics setup, linking with Ad Words and big data analysis inside analytics
- Google/Bing Merchant Center (Shopping ads for e-commerce Websites)
- Monthly & Weekly reporting of Campaigns and Ads with custom attractive formats.

I'm a sociable, goal-driven, responsible person. Ready to share my thoughts and knowledge of Digital Marketing. Contact me today to jump start or revamp your Business!

I do not work with the big number of clients at a time and prefer working on few campaigns and with few clients so that I can deliver quality campaigns and results. One thing that I can assure is "I never compromise on the quality of campaigns, Ads, Tracking, and Optimization".


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