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  • AWS
  • Ansible
  • Argocd
  • Azure
  • Azure DevOps Services
  • Cloud
  • DevOps
  • Docker
  • GCP
  • Git
  • Git Versioning
  • GitLab
  • Helm
  • Information Technology
  • Jenkins

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  • Corporate Trainer and Consultant

    $120/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    CIO and Senior Solution Architect at Be Cloud Tech with 21+ years of experience in managing & developing wide spectrum of projects using IT Engineering Designs and Tools. Plays pivotal role in setting...

    AnsibleArgocdAWSAzureAzure DevOps Services


CIO and Senior Solution Architect at Be Cloud Tech with 28+ years of experience in managing & developing wide spectrum of projects using IT Engineering Designs and Tools. Plays pivotal role

Done Multiple Batches of Ansible with GitlAB with HCL and IBM Capgemini
Terraform Certified Associate with AWS Azure And GCP cloud
Deliver More than 300 batches of Terraform with azure aws and GCP with kyndryl Amdocs IBM
Deliver more than 200 batch of Docker and Kubernetes in Kyndryl Amdocs and IBM
Deliver DevOps batches using multiple DevOps tools and develop end to end CICD zero touch Pipeline
Deliver Batches on Jenkins using Git Ansible Terraform Docker and Kubernetes using Multi Build in Git
Build automated Pipeline using Gitlab integrate with previous pipeline build in Jenkins | Docker Kubernetes Ansible using Self Hosted Runned
Build automated pipeline using Azure Devops for Terraform with Approval in Stages and Testing of IAC Code. With self-hosted Runned
Build automated pipeline using azure devops for maven based application and done testing also
Looking after Kubernetes security specialist
Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python deliver training to NRSC and Colleges
Building air gaped environment for Kubernetes for government sector
Done Batches on ArgoCD , Harness and Backstage with k8s for capgemini
• Docker Certified Associate
• Certified Kubernetes Administrator
• Gitlab Solution Architect
• AWS Solution Architect
• Azure Solution Architect
• Kubernetes Certified Administrator(CKAD)
• Kubernetes Security Specialist
Projects Delivered:
Airgap Installation of Kubernetes
Program Name: Kubernetes
Duration: 1 Week
Created a Kubernetes Cluster in an Government Organization with ought using any internet.
Deployed Apache Airflow Inside the Air gaped Kubernetes Cluster
Program Name: CI/CD Onboarding
Duration: 1 year
Tools: SVN (subversion), Maven, MSBuild, Shell/Perl/BAT Script, Jenkins, Nexus, Sonar uDeploy, Ansible
Program Name: Atlassian Tools Onboarding
Duration: 1.5 year
Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Crucible/Fisheye, Bamboo, Bitbucket, Crowd, HipChat, Source tree,
Program Name: Implementing CI/CD pipeline for microservices
Duration: 3 Months
Tools: Github, Azure, Argocd, JIRA

Program Name: Implementing CI/CD pipeline for microservices
Duration: 2 Months
Tools: Github, AWS/GCP, argocd, JIRA
Program Name: Automated Testing with Docker
Duration: 1 year
Tools: GIT, Docker Container, Nexus 3.x, Jenkins, RHEL, AWS (cloud), Ansible
Program Name: CI Adoption for Legacy Data Project
Duration: 6 Months
Tools: PowerShell, SVN (subversion), Bamboo
Program Name: SVN to GIT Migration for 1000+ Repositories
Duration: 3 Months
Tools: SVN (subversion), GIT, ShellScript
Program Name: Ant to Maven Migration for 500+ Projects
Duration: 6 Months
Tools: GIT, Ant, Maven, Teamcity/Jenkins
Program Name: Delivery Tools Upgrade Using Ansible
Duration: 5 Months
Tools: Ansible, JIRA, Bitbucket, Sonar, Nexus, Ansible Tower
Program Name: Sonar Onboarding for Java/JavaScript/PLSqL/C#/TypeScript
Duration: 6 Months
Tools: Bamboo, GIT, Sonar, Generic Code Coverage Plugin, Type Script Plugin
Program Name: Impleme

Work Terms

Flexible working time, Payment: Once satisfied then pay.

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