Full time freelancer, searching for a long term job. Telecomm. engineer with huge Experience with Win and Internet. Excel is my main tool. VA ideal job for me.
Born in Bosnia, bach. Telecommunication tehnique in Tuzlas University, worked in Federal Ministry of Defence 25 years, untill 2009. like Chief of digital /radio communications and responsible for human resources. Start with Data recovery private business but here in Bosnia, it was unprofitable job so before two years I decide to work like freelancer full time. Teaching Excel,Word. Native Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language and fluently English.Have family, hobby guitar and Simon&Garfunkel.Reg
Work Terms
Full time on disposal- 24 hr/d, cooperation, suggestions accepted, job deadlines respect... Experienced. Payment-chat and deal, PayPal, Bank acc, Skrill, cards Visa Masters.....100% efficiency, no mistakes, satisfied all.