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  • Anova
  • Article Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Management
  • Document Preparation
  • Experimental Design
  • Latex
  • Logistic Regression
  • Manuscripts
  • Mathematica
  • Modeling
  • Programming
  • SAS
  • Scientific

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  • Statistical analysis

    $100/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    20 years of experience supporting projects in the physical and social sciences. Experimental design, data analysis, Mathematica and SAS programming. Familiar with all standard techniques. Experienced...

    AnovaData AnalysisData ManagementExperimental DesignLogistic Regression
  • Typesetting with LaTeX

    $50/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Preparation of scientific, mathematical, and technical articles using LaTeX. I can prepare a manuscript to the specifications of a particular journal; assist you in formatting an article or book to your...

    Article WritingBook WritingDocument PreparationLatexManuscripts


Turning data into decisions: experimental design, statistical analysis, and optimization

Twenty years of experience supporting research in the physical and social sciences with solid statistics. Before becoming a consultant, I worked for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Idaho National Laboratory, and the State of Alaska. Projects I worked on included locating earthquake epicenters; studying the success rates of students struggling in developmental mathematics courses; estimating the number of drunk drivers on the road using techniques borrowed from fisheries research; and estimating the dimensional change of fuel inside a nuclear reactor where it couldn't be directly observed.

Work Terms

Flexible scheduling. Typically request one-half payment for a project up front, the remainer due upon completion. It's usually easiest to reach me by email. From there we can set up a phone conference or screen share as needed.

It's rarely necessary for me to travel to you, but if you desire me onsite, I will do so, at actual cost of travel and lodging + standard CONUS per diem.