To watch, to inform, to enrich.
As long as I can remember I have always been An observant sort, Always watching people and wonder why they do the things they do? What factors drive their behavior and motivates their resolve. Years later In my normal search for knowledge I came across the meaning of my name as "the watchful one"' or "he who watches". I then realized that my very name defined why I did the things I did! This knowledge led me into thirteen years as an associate pastor in my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. I have a bachelor's degree in Speech Theatre from Doane College in Crete, Nebraska and have great public speaking skills so I am exceptional at communicating with large groups of people. I like to lead people into self attainment of understanding in order to empower them.
Work Terms
I would like to put in at least 25 hours a week. I would like to earn 20 dollars an hour to start with room for advancement if my work is acceptable and liked. As far as style of delivery I have always believed in being myself so I guess that means communicating in a way that is pleasing to the ear using similes, analogies and metaphor to aid the understanding of the reader.