Digital Marketing Strategy | Brand & Business Development | Customer Conversion & Acquisition | B2B & Consumer Marketing | Inbound & Online Marketing | PR & Communications Management
As an upbeat marketing leader with two decades of progressive experience focusing on accomplishing complex marketing objectives, I am confident that my knowledge and expertise will make me a valuable member of the following corporate team.
What makes me stand out is my stellar record of creating and implementing consumer-centered sales-building strategies and directing digital marketing campaigns to improve brand awareness, revenue, customer retention, and presence. During my career, I achieved multiple awards and recognitions for providing creative solutions and delivering impressive bottom-line impact. I am well-versed in managing teams while developing and positioning content to attain laudable results. While others take pride in meeting all standards set before them, my passion is for delivering service that goes beyond organizational expectations, creating a win-win scenario for everyone involved!"
Please get in touch with me at with any thoughts, comments, or questions about my work. I'm always interested in making new professional acquaintances.
I would like to share the following career highlights:
• Increased sales from $4M to $38M annually by building inbound marketing strategy and processes from the ground up and implementing automated lead nurturing flows.
• Surpassed budgeted sales goals and augmented departmental revenue by more than 30%.
• Advanced $1.5M cooperative advertising program and managed advertising materials for program participants, increasing program participation by 40%.
• Boosted sales by 30% and reduced sale timeline by 6-10 months by planning and developing presentations and supporting materials for a recurring program of educational sales seminars. As an upbeat marketing leader with two decades of progressive experience focusing on accomplishing complex marketing objectives, I am confident that my knowledge and expertise will make me a valuable member of any team.