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  • English-Turkish Translation

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As a translator who has graduated with the highest GPA of my own departament and of all vocational schools, I offer detailed and good quality translation between Turkish-English and English-Turkish. Trained...

    Article TranslationAudio TranslationCat ToolsChildren BookClosed Captioning


My mission is to dive deep into the text I am given and make sure it is translated naturally for the best possible reading experience.

I am a simple person who enjoys playing with words and exploring beyond.

I worked on volunteer projects for the most part in my student years, which I left behind only a short while ago. During those times I was mainly working to further develop my skills by simply translating anything I could find.

I value honesty and truth. Therefore I try to maintain naturality and fluency while working on texts. Because I think only then you can be an honest translator who seeks to convey what the author means to say, so not loyalty of words but loyalty of the intented meaning.

I am interested in the latest events, history, politics, literature and especially post-apocalyptic literature.