full-stack development || Quality assurance engineer
I create websites and apps in vue.js for front-end and node.js, express.js for the back-end. Moreover, I love to use socket.io for real-time communication. Also, I use databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, Redis, and others according to need. I suggest you use vue.js because Facebook, up work, git-lab, Alibaba, and many more leading companies are using it, As it offers plenty of essential features out of the box, and provides excellent performance.
Moreover, I suggest node.js in the back-end for building fast and scalable applications instead of using PHP because PHP is obsolete. I have five years track record of building fluid and dynamic websites with an emphasis on user-friendliness, optimized clean and browser-compatible Applications with Up-work, and with one of the leading company Block360. Furthermore, My interest in Ethereum has also made me an expert in Blockchain. Moreover, I can make a preview video for any business idea as well.
Work Terms
I am open to offers. I can speak English like native speakers. I know Urdu as well. I would love to work with the terms and conditions of platform guru.com