Mobile: iOS | OSX | Watch OS | tvOS | Obj-C | Swift | Android | Scala
I'm lucky to combine my passion and job in coding. My skills and experience allows to provide clean and bug-free code. I'm proud of each app I've developed or was a part of a team. Agile Development is the strategy I'm following. To be more specific, I'm used to daily status reports, meetings once a week, providing a build in the end of the working week, trying to keep commits short and decompose each task in separate feature branch.
Languages: Swift, Objective-C, Objective-C++, C/C++, Scala, Java, Ruby.
SDK: iOS, Cocoa, macOS / OS X, tvOS, watchOS, Android.
IDE: Xcode, AppCode, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio.
VCS: Git, Mercurial, SVN.
SCM: Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Codebase, Microsoft VSTS.
Dependency Manager: CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager.
CIS: TravisCI, JenkinsCI, FastLine.
TDD/BDD: Quick, Nimble, XCUnit
Code Design: SwiftLint
Code Docs: Jazzy
Database: SQLite, CoreData, Realm, MongoDB
Development Pattern: MVVM, FRP, (no Viper!)
IoT Services: Firebase, PubNub, Parse
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