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  • Google Ads
  • Advertising
  • Analytics
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Data Management
  • Ecommerce Shopping Ads
  • Google Advertising
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Ads
  • Google Shopping Ads
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Landing Page Design
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Pay Per Click

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  • Google Ads Expert, GA4, GTM, Tracking's

    $10/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    WANT MORE LEADS/SALES AND IMPROVE YOUR ACQUISITION COSTS?  It HURTS when I see businesses pay thousands for marketing that doesn't bring good returns. I'll help you stop wasting money and start generating...

    AdvertisingAnalyticsConversion TrackingData ManagementEcommerce Shopping Ads


Google Ads Specialist | Fb Ads | Certified GA4, GTM, Ads Expert

PPC & Conversion Tracking Expert for B2B, eCommerce, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups.

Looking for ways to boost your website traffic, get qualified leads using SEM and PPC advertising (Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn), generate them and reduce your cost per lead (CPL)?

As a Google Ads certified professional who has worked on social media projects and SEO, Traffic, Leads, Conversions SEM/PPC campaigns I can help you achieve your goals successfully.

In addition to PPC management expertise, I can provide advice on how to convert more of the traffic landing on your website through desktop and mobile. At times, the smallest changes to your website can make a profound difference to your conversation rate and profitability.

I will work with you to plan and execute specific campaigns to reach your goals. Your business model, website and specific goals will be thoroughly analyzed to create a successful, cost-effective advertising strategy from which to begin.

The only way to maximize your results is to keep optimizing. Not only do I create your account, but I also make sure it is the best possible version and that it is gradually improving.

I can provide help with creating campaigns and optimizations in the following areas:

• PPC - Google Ads and Bing Ads
• Conversion Tracking Setup - Lead gen, eCommerce, etc. on different advertising channels (Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn),
• LinkedIn Ads and more
• Advanced Web Analytics Reports - via Google Analytics and Looker Studio
• Landing Page Creation and Optimization

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