Senior Mobile App Developer - Android, IOS, Flutter
🎯 Are you looking for a Flutter App Developer for your mobile app development needs? Look no further!
✨ Hello, I am an experienced Flutter App Developer with 3 years of experience in the field. Throughout my career, I have successfully completed numerous projects, including 20 mobile apps in Flutter alone.
🔥 With my experience in Mobile App Design, I can create stunning and user-friendly mobile app designs that cater to your specific requirements.
📱 Whether you need a simple app or a complex one with advanced features, I am well-equipped to handle all aspects of App Development from start to finish. I am proficient in integrating Restful API and Push Notification, as well as Social Media and Map Integration.
✔︎ With my expertise in Dart and Firebase, I can provide you with high-quality Hybrid App Development services that meet your business needs.
So, if you're looking for a reliable Flutter App Developer who can help you build a high-quality mobile app, look no further and reach me today!
What technology and packages I am going to use?
🟨 State Management
✅ GetX
✅ Provider
✅ Bloc
✅ Riverpod
🟨 Api Calls
✅ HTTp
✅ Dio
✅ Chopper
🟨 Chart and Graph
✅ 1.fl_chart
🟨 Maps
✅ google_maps_flutter
✅ mapbox_gl
✅ syncfusion_flutter_maps
🟨 Storage
✅ shared_preferences
✅ sqflite
✅ sembast
✅ isar
✅ flutter_secure_storage
🟨 Miscellaneous
✅ device_preview
✅ cached_network_image
✅ path_provider
✅ url_launcher
✅ webview_flutter
✅ permission_handler
🟨 Others
✅ cloud_firestore
✅ firebase_auth
✅ flutter_local_notification
✅ onesignal_flutter
Let's create an app that will blow your users away! I'm confident in my skills and experience and excited to bring your vision to life.
Don't settle for less - choose a Flutter App Developer who is committed to excellence and delivering a product that exceeds your expectations. Let's make your app stand out!
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