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  • Channel Relationship Management
  • Community Building
  • Corporate Social Media
  • Customer Engagement
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Engagement Marketing
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • Pinterest
  • Relationship Management
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Social Media Coaching

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  • Social Media Marketing

    $58/hr Starting at $58 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello, my name is Hana, and I take a mystery out of having a beautiful and professional social media presence. Well managed platform establishes credibility, trust and presents you to potential clients...

    Channel Relationship ManagementCommunity BuildingCorporate Social MediaCustomer EngagementCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)


Taking the mystery out of effective social media management.

Hello, my name is Hana, and I take a mystery out of having a beautiful and professional social media presence. Well managed platform establishes credibility, trust and presents you to potential clients as an experienced market leader. Social media can help you reach new clients, who will love what you do and want to buy into your story. Sounds good? Drop me a message today and let’s discuss how we can work together!

I am a member of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Hootsuite and Houzz Certified Professional with over nine years of experience in Marketing and Sales. You can find me on Instagram under handles @hc_marketing and @that_wallpapergirl, where I have over 25k followers. My clients include PR companies, textile mills, design & build studios, and more. My policy is to be transparent and helpful. Therefore, if you have a goal in mind, but are not quite sure what you need to get there, I am happy to advise you and make sure you only invest your time and money into what your business needs.