Full Stack Engineer - Machine Learning Engineer
I'm Engr. Hassan 👋and I have been delivering websites for 9 long years. YOU can get your web app development needs met by hiring me. I specialize in PROBLEM-SOLVING.
I have been working as a professional Full Stack Engineer for 6 years, I build fully interactive, highly dynamic, and performant web applications. I focus on the satisfaction of my clients by working on their requirements with sheer dedication and killer attention to detail. I have worked in different verticals of various industries, including military, healthcare, internet, education, and finance.
My work ethic is similar to that of Elon Musk's and loves challenging problems to be solved.
I've been to elite private schools and colleges all my student years where I have built soft skills like Creativity, Effective Communication, Curiosity, Time Management, Problem Solving, and Leadership.
ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Sagas, Javascript ES6, Typescript, Redux, Typescript, Cypress, Emotion, HTML, Jquery.
CSS3, Chakra UI, Material UI, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS.
Django (Python), NodeJS, Laravel (PHP), MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, RESTful APIs.
REST and GraphQL.
AWS EC2, Lighsail, Cloudformation, Route 53 and S3/Glacier. and Heroku.
Solidity, Truffle, and Ganache.
Deep Learning:
Keras, OpenCV, and Tensorflow. [ResNet, VGGNet, YOLO, YOLT2, Mask R-CNN, and U-Net]
Version Control: Git and Github/Bitbucket.
Project Management: Atlassian -- Jira, Bitbucket. Teamwork/Asana/Trello/ClickUp.
Agile Methodology: Scrum and Kanban.