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  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Research
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Analytics


  • Complete SEO for Website Success

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Is your website feeling lonely and unloved? Fear not, I'm here to give it some much-needed SEO TLC :-) With a MS degree in Business Administration, Masters in Computer Science and certifications from...

    Conversion Rate OptimizationResearchSearch Engine OptimizationWeb Analytics


Web/Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Expert

Im a digital marketing and e commerce expert with certifications from Google, SEMrush, and HubSpot. With years of experience in marketing, ecommerce and SEO, Im committed to providing personalized solutions that meet your business needs.

In addition to my experience and certifications, I hold an MS degree in Business Administration. This advanced degree has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of business and marketing strategy. As a result, I can approach each project from a strategic perspective, ensuring that your digital marketing and e commerce needs are met in a way that aligns with your business goals.

My education and experience enable me to deliver personalized solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you're looking to boost your sales, optimize your e commerce store, or improve your search engine rankings SEO, I have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Work Terms

I expect fair and prompt payment for my work on Guru, processed securely through the platform.

As a digital marketing and ecommerce expert, I have a flexible schedule and will communicate availability and scheduling conflicts transparently.

I believe in open and responsive communication, providing regular updates on project status.

I aim for high-quality work that meets or exceeds client expectations, making revisions promptly as necessary.

I respect client privacy and security, ensuring sensitive data is not shared with third parties.

I conduct myself professionally at all times, adhering to Guru's code of conduct and ethical standards.

I welcome constructive feedback to improve my work and build credibility on the platform.

Dispute resolution:
In case of a dispute, I work with clients and Guru's process for fair resolution.

Profile maintenance:
I keep my profile up-to-date, showcasing relevant skills, work experience, and samples.

Long-term relationships:
I value trust, mutual respect, and excellent work, building long-term relationships with clients.

Preferred communication:
I prefer clear and concise written communication, but am available for phone or video calls if necessary, to ensure effective project success.

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