Nothing Impossible... It Says I m possible.
I am senior full stack developer and working in different technologies from last 6 years. I have a lot of experience in different project and products. I am the best candidate for any type of task related to the back-end, front-end. I also have lots of experience in AWS, Google APIs, and other cloud platforms. Below are the details.
Backend Skills: Core PHP, Zend Framework, Laravel Framework, Laravel Spark, Codeigniter, Restful API, NodeJs, Shell Scripting.
Front End Skills: Jquery, AngularJS, Javascript, Ajax, JSON, XML, HTML,HTML5/CSS, CSS3, LESS, SASS, Twitter Bootstrap, Bower, Gulp, Npm, SVG Maps.
Database Skills: MySql, MS SQL Server, NoSql, ElasticSearch, MongoDB.
Server Skills : Apache, Nginx.
OS Skills : Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, Virtual Machines(VMs), Vagrant.
Other Skills : Amazon Web Services[S3,Dynamodb], Twilio[SMS & Voice] API, StubHub API, Ticket Utils API, Skybox API, Slack API, Android GPN, Google Maps API, Google, Calendar API, Google Speech API, HubSpot API, Payment Gateway API, Google APIs, IOS Push Notifications.
Deployment Skills: Google Cloud Platform(GCP), Laravel Forge, Godaddy.
Version Control Skills: GitHub, GitLab, SVN Toritize.