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  • Business Intelligence
  • C#
  • Crystal Reports
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  • Microsoft SQL Ssas
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  • ASP.NET and BI Developer

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    ASP.NET and BI Developer with 15+ years of extensive experience. BI skills include SSRS, SSAS, SSIS, MDX, KPIs, Data visualisation, Cubes, Pivots, Drilldown reports, Dashboards, Report automation and...

    .NETActive DirectoryAjaxASP.NETBi


ASP.NET and BI Developer with 15+ years of experience. BI skills include SSRS, SSAS, SSIS, MDX, KPIs, Data visualisation, Cubes, Pivots, Drilldown reports, Dashboards and Report automation

I am an ASP.NET, classic ASP and BI developer with 15+ years of extensive experience architecting, designing and developing software solutions. Starting off as a hobbyist programmer more than a quarter of a century ago, I have developed applications ranging from DOS-based graphical quiz games through to internet e-commerce applications, web-based CRM-support systems and advanced Business Intelligence solutions.

My core technical skills are summarised in the following technology matrix:

Business Intelligence - SSRS, SSAS, SSIS, MDX, KPIs, Data visualisation, Cubes, Pivots, Drilldown reports, Dashboards, Report automation and Third party BI components

Programming Languages - C#, VB.NET, Visual Basic 6.0


Enterprise Reporting and Analysis - Crystal Reports, SQL Server Reporting Services

API and Payment Gateway integration - Twitter, MailChimp, Amazon MWS, SagePay, PayCorp, PayPal

I am well-organised in the way I work, hard-working, motivated, a quick learner and pretty good at working on multiple projects at a time. I take pride in the quality of my work, my work ethic, integrity and focus on customer satisfaction. I have excellent English language skills, both spoken and written, with proficiency equal to those of native speakers. Having lived and worked in 3 countries I have been exposed to and appreciate varied cultures, social milieus and ethos.

Best of all, I’m friendly and affable!