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  • Data Collection
  • Data Wrangling
  • Pandas
  • Data Analysis
  • Programming
  • Python


  • Data science

    $8/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Novice data scientist, with a background in software development, and deep learning. I am still an undergraduate student, however I partook in many projects covering subjects like Programming in C++...

    Data AnalysisData CollectionData WranglingPandasProgramming


Discipline, Order and Attention to Detail.

An undergraduate student, studying information and telecommunications engineering. I have a passion for continuous self development and learning. I highly value discipline and order, with a touch of perfectionism, and attention to detail.

I built several projects, as in my GttHub profile, reflecting many skills
- Using OOP paradigm in programming
- Building databases, and connecting them to apps
- Using data structures and algorithms to make for better performance

I have experience in Android app development, building simple native apps using Java and Kotlin.

Currently interested in data science, machine learning and software development

Skilled at C++, Java, Kotlin, Python, Matlab, SQL

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