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  • Python
  • CSS
  • Elastic Programming
  • Elasticsearch
  • E-learning Development
  • Front End Development
  • HTML
  • J2EE
  • Java
  • Machine Learning
  • Shell Scripting
  • Software Development
  • Unix Shell Scripting


  • Fullstack developer

    $15/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a fullstack developer with 6 years of full time experience. I am expert in Java, Python, Shell scripting along with HTML and CSS for front end development. I also have expertise on Machine Learning...

    CSSElastic ProgrammingElasticsearchE-learning DevelopmentFront End Development


Committed to deliver on time.

I am working in a IT company for 6 years as a full stack developer and during my journey in IT, I have involved in many major projects including Java upgrades and rewriting the application from .Net to Java.

Along with that, I lead the project called Elastic search implementation where we integrated all the application logs into Elastic search for a centralized monitoring. During this project, my roles include, solution design phase, development phase and post implementation support.

As a part of Elastic search implementation, I have worked on Machine learning features provided by Elastic and tuned them to be more useful as per our company requirements in terms of finding security risks and anomaly detection.

I also have worked on automation projects using Java and shell scripting.

My hobbies are listening to audio books. "The Power of Habit" is my favorite book that I have listened to so far.
Sitting in beach whenever I get a time. Since beach (Suryalanka beach, Bapatla) is just 8 Km away from my home.

My short term goal is to work as a freelancer and also to share the knowledge with others.

Work Terms

Hours of Operation: Full time on Saturday and Sunday. Monday - Friday depends on availability.
Preferred way of payment: online.