I have graduated from Suez in University with a BSc in Petroleum Engineering. I found my passion in programming and took numerous courses in Mathematics and programming since then. I have been working in SAP since 2016, during which I've implemented a lot of projects and solved numerous issues for support. I have gained large experience in both functional and technical aspects. I did MSc in applied mathematics which aids in my goals as a backend developer experienced in algorithms. My current role is the ABAP team leader in Spirit company further enriches my experience in managing a team and efficiently communicating with my team mates in different roles. I believe one of best projects is designing an optimization program on SAP that minimizes the amount of raw material used in paper industry. I am also experienced in Python Numpy and Pandas for data science, having created a project to fetch data from twitter through their API "tweepy" to come out with useful insights.
Work Terms
I can commit to a total of 10 hours weekly, I prefer payment through Pioneer.