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Total Feedback Received: 1

  • Bitcoin Advocates · Jul 15, 2016

    Awesome writer, quick, and professional! I gave my requirements and product was above my expectations. I highly recommend Hewitt and will use him in the near future.

    for Writer


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    I would first like to point out that by no means did ChiuGroup, Inc. ask for a reference. It is solely out of a great commitment; creativity of which I could not match; honesty; professionalism; and patience in working with my project until it was fully completed that I felt a need to express my gra

    titude. That being said, I would like to add that the knowledge and depth of the full project needed was simply indescribable as far as the full length and nature of what they could perform. I was so in the dark, but they brought out the height and light of my company. They have been an intricate substance in helping us grow. Without a moment of hesitation, I would highly recommend that ChiuGroup, Inc. is an A+ top-rated consulting and diverse web development company where they can handle all of your company’s needs with great exposure. They are the best, most patient, most accurate, reliable and honest team I've ever known.

     ...Read More

    Odessa Bolton

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    The design is simply outstanding. I feel like I'm flipping through something from the Metropolitan's simple, yet sophisticated and elegant. It adds class and value to the business.

    Michael Smathe

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    Honestly I think you guys are an excellent team all around. Please keep doing what you're doing the way your doing it! You guys are very professional and knowledgeable and caring and it genuinely shows. I would definitely recommend ChiuGroup to any friend looking for direction and help when starting

    a business. My experience was very professional, honest and motivating. I'm glad to have had your help with starting my business path!

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    Erik Jimenez