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  • Manuscripts
  • Proposal Writing
  • Review Writing
  • Writing
  • Academic Consulting
  • Career Development
  • Editing
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  • English to Hebrew Translation
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  • Hebrew Translation
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  • Scientific writing and editing

    $45/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A veteran of the German academic system, I am a life scientist with a knack and passion for words. The hundreds of articles, manuscripts, reviews, proposals, protocols and presentations that I've written...

    Article WritingEditingManuscriptsMicrosoft WordProofreading
  • Translation Hebrew English

    $55/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a doctor of biology hailing from Israel and based in Germany. Aside from my work at a top research institute near Berlin, I am a linguistic scholar and an avid fan of the written word. Over the last...

    Academic ConsultingArticle WritingCareer DevelopmentEnglish LanguageEnglish to Hebrew Translation


Academic and scientific writing | editing | proofreading

A veteran of the German academic system, I am a life scientist with a knack and passion for words.

The hundreds of articles, manuscripts, reviews, proposals, protocols and presentations that I've written or edited go far beyond my PhD field of plant biology. I published in Cell, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Trends in Plant Science and Molecular Plant, among others; but have written and edited documents in physics, medicine, biochemistry and material science, always to praise and full satisfaction.

I am comfortable to work with and eager to accommodate; I take instructions and deadlines seriously; and I always provide added value, treating each document as if my own career depended on it.

Looking forward to working with you!