Dedicated to delivering high quality results to the client while at the same time maintaining high level of integrity and honesty. Working hard to ensure customer satisfaction is achieved.
Destiny has become a wheel that has shaped me to focus with seriousness my life. When I think of what my tomorrow will be, my mind wakes up to reality that I need to do something today that will make my tomorrow better. This has instilled values such as handwork, commitment, diligence, honesty, goal-oriented and discipline into my life.
Working with Intrahealth International has allowed me get professional skills such as communication, listening, teamwork, data entry and management. Interaction with different people of different backgrounds and levels has taught me the importance of good social relationships.
I love doing my best in whatever job I am engaged with so as to deliver results of highest quality. Making new cycle of friends is one of my hobbies, assisting the underprivileged when free is my motivation to always aim higher and finally doing what I like most; being online to work.
Work Terms
I am available at any time of the day, 7 days a week when needed. I am always willing to take up the tasks as requested where is timely communication.