Quality Writing completed On Time (personality optional)
Six years ago I tried to find a salon in my bustling metropolis that could give me a specific new look I wanted. No one could do it. Half of the stylists had never even heard of the process I was asking for. I gave up. By now you may have heard of the specific process I was requesting: Ombre. It's so popular now the shelves of your local grocery store are lined with DIY kits. What is the moral of this story? I have no idea how to monetize my trend-spotting skills or else I wouldn't be here asking you for a job and would instead be in Saint Bart's spending the billions I made from spotting the biggest new hair trend in the last decade.
I've worked for the same company for ten years handling all of their internal written documentation needs including quotations, diagnostics, how-to manuals, product reviews, print copy and proof reading. I say what I mean and I mean what I say so you know if you take my bid you will not have to chase me or worry about missed deadlines. I am stellar at research and can write convincingly on a variety of subjects. I take direction and criticism well and I can make you laugh. Let's both be on St. Bart's 5 years from now.
Work Terms
Flexible on all fronts.