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  • React
  • Solidity
  • Web Development
  • Blockchain
  • Blockchain App
  • Rust Programming
  • CSS
  • Ethereum
  • HTML
  • Node.js
  • React Redux
  • Vue.js


  • Blockchain And Web Development

    $50/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - Develop smart contracts in Solidity and Rust. - Develop RPC using client libraries such as Web3js. - Static analysis of smart contracts for gas consumption and optimization using Remix IDE. - Develop...

    BlockchainBlockchain AppCSSEthereumHTML


The Standard for Cryptocurrency & Web

Highly professional blockchain developer with 5 years of experience, solid leadership skills, and unrivalled building skills.
My experience range from creating both front-end blockchain applications to back-end architecture design and implementation, smart contract development, testing, auditing and development for Fintech and other industries that need the power of decentralization, tokenization, and smart contracts.

Competent in
- Ethereum tools (EthPM, Ganache CLI, Truffle, Geth, Solidity, Ethereum Virtual Machine, and Remix)
- Web development (React, Node & other js)
- Databases (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL)
- Tools (VS Code and Eclipse IDE)
- Version control (Git, SVC)
- Debugging and product testing.
- Cloud platforms (AWS and Azure)