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  • Android Development
  • Angular
  • Angular Material
  • CSS3
  • Firebase
  • HTML
  • Ionic
  • iOS
  • Iphone App Development
  • JavaScript
  • Materials
  • Node.js
  • Swift Programming


  • Swift/Ionic 3/angular - nodejs/firebase

    $20/hr Starting at $250

    Hello, Here is some links which I did before Google play Very happy when receive your response. Thanks and best regards, Huy Le

    Android DevelopmentAngularAngular MaterialCSS3Firebase


Client-focused, professional, perfectionist, curious, clean-technology lover, interested in cutting edge web technologies.

I am Huy Le, come from Viet Nam. I have more 4 years experience Angularjs 1.5 & 2.2, Ionic framework 1.4 and 2.0 and I love it so much.
I am also have experience about iOS/Android native development. I already fixed some issues about cordova plugin on iOS for my client.

Work Terms

Expert hybrid app iOS/Android/Windows Phone with ionic framework, angular latest, angular2 material.

Native application - (xCode - objective C, Swift3.0, Android , Android studio, Java, ...)
Hybrid application - (Cordova, Ionic1,2,3/Angular, Twitter Bootstrap, Angular-material)

* Firebase, Firebase cloud
* NodeJS, express, Mongodb, and heroku deploy
* Experiences in REST API, JSON/XML, MySQL, MongoDB, Jsonapi model
* Push notification: GCM, FCM, APN

I know that clean code and good architecture really matter, so I produce testable, readable and maintainable code that meets business requirements.

Huy Le Cong
Huy Le Cong
Quang Ngai, Quang Ngai, Vietnam