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  • Application Development
  • Flash
  • Management
  • SEO
  • 3D
  • 3D Animation
  • Animation
  • Content Management
  • Corporate
  • Engineering
  • Facilitating
  • Film
  • Flash Presentations
  • Java

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  • IT Solution Expert

    $5/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    HYVA IT Solutions, a UK based IT solutions company provide solution for Websites, Software's and making Presentations on demand. Which you can use as grow your business, advertise, training, spread your...

    Application DevelopmentSEOWebsite Design
  • Software making

    $50/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hyva IT solutions addressed the needs of smaller and medium sized companies by sourcing out and providing software professionals to work on for different Programming Languages & Web Development Tools...

    ASP.NETJavaMicrosoft.netOperating Systems DesignOracle
  • Website Development

    $30/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hyva developers will work closely with you to develop a unique site that effectively promotes your company image worldwide. Hyva specializes in website maintenance, offering cost effective implementation...

    Application DevelopmentContent ManagementFlashFlash PresentationsManagement
  • Presentation Making

    $35/hr Starting at $350 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We are making different kinds of presentations which you can use as advertise, training, spread your company information to anywhere. I would like to see if we can have a technology partnership so that...

    3D3D AnimationAnimationCorporateFilm
  • Application Re-Engineering

    $40/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hyva offers complete life cycle support from re-engineering planning through implementation. Our advanced reengineering services aid organizations in consolidating and re-aligning their existing software...

    EngineeringFacilitatingSoftware Design
  • E-Commerce Solutions

    $60/hr Starting at $650 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    t Hyva we understand that for any e-commerce venture to succeed it needs to be backed by a competent management team, good post-sales services, well-organized business structure, network infrastructure...

    ManagementSalesSales Services

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we are making websites & different kinds of presentations. you can use it advertise, training, spread your company information to anywhere.

HYVA IT Solutions, a UK based IT solutions company stands tall amongst its peers by offering customers the dynamic combination of design and technology that boosts business with decided economic advancements. The company's raging success has lead to its expansion to India and the results have only grown manifold there after. Hyva IT solutions, India is a venture started in conjunction with a $40 million business giant, the Vali Group. A decade long dominance in the global market has ensured the Vali group the respect and loyal customer base it enjoys today.

HYVA IT Solutions, a UK based IT solutions company provide solution for Websites, Software's and making Presentations on demand. Which you can use as grow your business, advertise, training, spread your company information to anywhere.
I would like to see if we can have a technology partnership so that we both can help to grow our business together.

Founded: 2003

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