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  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Instagram Marketing
  • Keyword Research
  • Landing Page Design
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Web Content Writing


  • Setup manage your facebook Ads campain

    $10/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello Dear, Are you looking for someone to run a Facebook ads campaign for your business or product or service? Then you're in the right place. Are you wrestling with the Facebook ads campaign? Fb ads...

    Conversion Rate OptimizationFacebook AdsGoogle AdsInstagram MarketingKeyword Research


Wordpress Developer Shopify Expert Digita Marketer

Hello! I specialize in Elementor Html5 Css3 and am also a Shopify expert digital marketer with five years of experience in developing and designing websites. I am a motivated and hard-working person with excellent communication skills with clients throughout the entire process. I love designing and building beautiful, responsive websites for entrepreneurs and small businesses to help their business grow!