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  • .NET
  • Android
  • Android Development
  • Android Programming
  • Android SDK
  • C#
  • Consulting
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • iOS
  • iOS Design
  • iOS Development

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  • Web Development

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We provide complete .NET, Java or PHP web solutions using the latest and most suitable frameworks available for each client, we can also provide a complete solution with the most popular CMS like: Wordpress...

  • Mobile Development

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We provide mobile development for the most common mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, we specialize in integrating back-end systems with mobile applications and also develop complete stand-alone...

    AndroidAndroid DevelopmentAndroid ProgrammingAndroid SDKiOS


Innovating efficiently to achieve the best solutions

IESSOFT is a consulting company in the field of information technologies that works to provide the best solutions for our customers. At IESSOFT we provide the following services: Software Factory, Mobile Development.

Founded: 2011

Work Terms

Escrow payments to be created according to project size, buyer won't be requested to release money until project is completed.