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  • .NET
  • Ajax
  • C#
  • CMS
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • MVC
  • PHP
  • Software Architecture
  • Software Development
  • System Analysis


  • Fast and Reliable Analyst Developer

    $20/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I architect develop IT solutions as systems, applications and websites in efficient way without compromising quality. If you want someone who you can trust to aid you, you're one click away!



Fast and Reliable Systems Analyst Developer

I'm Igor Kroeber, 23. I have two years of solid work experience as a .NET Analyst and Developer. I've studied lots and lost of different tecnologies, languages and frameworks and cultivated even more passion for what I do. Now I'm looking for job opportunities as a freelancer to sharpen my skills and to bring creativity and good software to my customers. I can develop any application or system and my prices are negotiable.

Work Terms

Base payment of $20 per hour. I need all the detail from the project to work on it. Withou them, the asked product will never come out perfect to the customer.

Attachments (Click to Preview)