Php and Larvel Framework Developer
I'm a senior laravel full-stack developer and business developer. My main specialization is Web Apps Development with Php Laravel Framework, but also i have a lot of expertise in eCommerce in RestFul API's integration/3-rd Party API integration/Payment gateway integration
Web Development:
- Laravel Framework, PHP;
- E-Commerce
- MySQL (MyISAM, InnoDB, memory), SQLite, DAO, AR;
- jQuery (UI, mobile), VueJS, Twitter Bootstrap 5, AJAX;
- Social API's: Dropbox, Facebook(graph, FQL), Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, VK, Instagram, G+, MailChimp, Google Maps, etc;
- AWS (CloudFront, S3, EC2, SQS, SNS), Cloudflare;
- In-company Quality Assuring;
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Best Regards,