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  • Article Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Editing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Health and Wellness
  • Novel Edit
  • Novel Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Romance Fiction
  • Writing


  • Better Stories Made Best

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have a Ph.D in Comparative Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. I specialize in ghostwriting, proofreading, editing, writing, and rewriting an array of texts, ranging from product and service reviews,...

    Article WritingContent WritingCreative WritingEditingFiction Writing


I will help you to flesh out the ideas in you and transform it to the best it can ever be.

I’m a full-time, professional writer committed to delivering not just the quality content you deserve, but the very best customer experience possible. With a doctorate degree, I provide exceptional insight and commentary on various topics, however as a creative writer specialist, I can write with authority on any subject you may need. Delivering only 100% unique, handwritten content that passes Copyscape or other tests with ease, my clients enjoy consistently high quality, engaging writing that your audience will love. A bespoke service that meets your needs, my writing is tailored to your audience, and delivered to your deadline, every time.

I work hard to ensure customer satisfaction on every project, going the extra mile to bring your content idea to life. I love what I do, and that shines in every word I write. Whether it’s an informative piece or a strong call to action, I ensure your content achieves everything you are looking for.

Work Terms

Keep in touch via Skype or whatsapp. Specify what you need to be done and the number of words needed. Provide any information that might be useful in the course of your job.