If after 24hrs of payment that you do not like the quality or anything about the post or posts i made for you ,you can easily ask for a refund and it will be handed back to you with no quest
i am a Mathematician and i know my numbers . i have been online for more than 5yrs now , i mostly spend my time learning about new ways to advertise on social medias .
facebook is the king of data and traffic , which is why i take time to keep up with the latest trend on facebook marketing. am talking about instant articles , if by now you haven't stated using this awesome update , you might as well donate the money to me .lool
i want nothing more than to get down to work with you . Cheers!
Work Terms
i can be very flexible depending on the job requirements ,
I rather know what the job is before i say how much , i had to enter an amount on my profile , but am not sure that will cover your job , if need be , i might end up providing either higher or lower price different from what appears on my profile.
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